Friday, April 15, 2011

2011 Free Easter Egg Hunts in the Wichita Area

Here is this year's round-up of free Easter Egg Hunts. There are a couple that have small fees. I have listed the prices so hopefully there will be no surprises! If you know of any other Free Easter Egg Hunts in the Wichita, KS area, let me know so that I can add them to the list. Happy Hunting!

April 16:
Topeka, KS- 9am Easter Egg Hunt at Cedar Crest in Topeka with Gov. Brownback. Ages 1-9.
Derby, KS- 10-11am at the Derby High School. Ages 0-5th grade. Register online for a chance to win prizes.

April 17:
NW YMCA-2pm  Crafts, activities, pictures with Easter bunny. Egg Hunt begins at 2:30pm.

April 19:
Wichita State University-11am-2pm RSC Courtyard
Barnes&Noble-(This is NOT actually an egg hunt, but it is Easter related!)11am in Bradley Fair Hop! Hop! Bunny Stories, activity and snack

April 23:
Wichita Ice Center Grounds-starts at 12:30pm. Ages 1-12. See link for more details.
Ark Church, Wichita-Safety Fair & Easter Egg Hunt (Cost Admission $1. Punch cards for games $5)
Andover, KS-11am-1pm **For Children with Special Needs** (suggested donation $3 per child) Location: Andover Central H.S. football field
SG. County Zoo Beep Egg Hunt for Visually Impaired-1-3pm (not sure of the cost. probably regular zoo admission prices)
Zenda, KS-12:45pm Zenda Community Easter Egg Hunt @ community center
Pleasant Valley-11am-12:30pm @ Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church. Ages 0-5th grade.
Christ Community Church-1-3pm Call to register. Ages 0-5th grade
Friends University Campus-1pm on Rose Window Plaza. Ages 0-9.


Stacey said...

It appears that the hunt at the NW Y is not until Sunday. At least that's what their website says.

Emily said...

Stacey-Thanks for catching my mistake. Guess my eyes got tired!

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